A Year Without a Job follows the journey of two modern women navigating unemployment and everyday challenges. Da Yu crosses paths with Xiao Yu, a young woman born in 1995 who shares both her first and last name. Xiao Yu had left her job out of sheer boredom, leading to a serendipitous living arrangement between the two. Over the course of their year without employment, Da Yu embraces Xiao Yu's adventurous spirit, while Xiao Yu learns the value of careful planning from Da Yu. Together, they embark on a journey back to the workforce. Despite facing obstacles in the corporate world's high demands at 30, Da Yu must seek alternative paths for progress. Meanwhile, Xiao Yu discovers the rewards of hard work and gains recognition from her superiors by pushing herself beyond comfort zones. Through their shared experiences, Da Yu and Xiao Yu ultimately uncover the true essence of life and work.
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